Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ovens of Patagonia - A Great Place to Eat

Here is a short blog post on an eatery in Patagonia Arizona. A person must have sustenance now and again whilst touring about the country side and this place “Ovens of Patagonia” is a great stop.

This is the restaurant as seen from the street. It is much more than just a sandwich and dessert place they have lots of collectible items inside as well as wonderful eats.

In the above image you may have noticed a blue colored object in the right hand side. This is that object and it is a water dispenser. In many parts of Arizona the water is terrible for drinking so you can buy water in bulk and take it home in your container.

Here the water is treated using the reverse osmosis technique. The untreated water can be very high in mineral content and tastes terrible, unfit to drink.

This little sign outside provides the general offerings from the Ovens. It is a bakery, hence the name, and they have sandwiches and wonderful desserts.

Finally we are at the front door. They have a nice logo to identify their business.

It is a bakery after all and so they have baked goods, great pies, breads and decadent breakfast pastries.

They also, for your sweet tooth, have fudge, lots of fudge. We are not big consumers of fudge so we will just accept that it is great fudge.

You can tell you are in birding country, one of the fudge varieties is named “Vermillion Flycatcher” after a beautifully color red bird often seen in the area. The fudge is not quite as red as the “Vermillion Flycatcher” but trending in that direction.

For those of you not familiar with the Vermillion Flycatcher here is an image of one. This is a male that is brightly colored red and hence the pinkish coloration in the fudge variety.

As an aside, Patagonia Arizona is the called the pollinator capital of the United States with many species of native bees, 300 types of butterflies and moths, 14 hummingbird species and two nectar-feeding bat species.

Not only do they bake goodies for us two legged folks but they also provide treat for our furry friends.

Our two Westies really enjoyed the peanut butter variety. The Border collie in the image on the sign appears to be smiling; he must like the treats as well.

With all the temptations and being weak of will in passing on great desserts, we decided to support this establishment and try the “I Love Chocolate”. It is soft serve chocolate ice cream served over the top of a chocolate fudge brownie. To say it is decadent with the whipped cream on top would be an understatement but it was very tasty.

As we were leaving we noticed this sign and it is not bad advice. We are much more into the dreaming side of the equation but will work for dessert on occasion or at least stop and sample one when they are available.

We hope you enjoyed this brief look around the "Ovens of Patagonia" it is a great place and a must stop on your next trip to Patagonia or south east Arizona.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

All the best – George & Deanna

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Ahhh desert! Eat it first, since you cannot know what will happen next.
