Sunday, December 8, 2019

Jerome AZ and Other Sights

We went to Jerome in early December for a look around. It is a neat little town with kind of touristy and hippy like vibes. It is a fun place to visit and there is a lot to see. Of course there are lots and lots of shops from which you can buy things and eateries where you can spend your money.

When you visit be sure and take your walking shoes. There are many stairs and steep sidewalks some of them not very smooth. Here is a really brief look around Jerome trying to give you a feel for the place in hopes you’ll stop by there if in the area. We really enjoyed Jerome.

We borrowed the above image from the Jerome Chamber of Commerce web site.. The visibility and air quality did not provide decent images looking up at Jerome while we were there.

Since it is on the hill there are some stairs to get up and down between the streets. These were interesting older steps that were a really low step height easy to walk up.

Many of the sidewalks and streets are uneven and bumpy and you have to watch your balance as you walk around. There are some newer sections of sidewalk such as we see here that are smooth and easy walking.

Then there are sections that are rough and tumble. It would be difficult driving along this section of road much less walking on it. Fortunately this was a side road and not the main thoroughfare.

The roads you drive in Jerome are narrow with lots of twists and turns. The town is built on the hillside and there is not much level ground. From a road width perspective it is much easier in a small car than a large pickup truck.

You will see lots of retaining walls to hold up the hill. This is just one small example. The retaining walls are constructed of various materials and are in varying degrees of needing repair. This example seems fairly stable.

This is a fascinating eye-catching sign for a series of shops. There is a building with the name “New State Motor Company" and this is adjacent to that building. Well done, eye-catching sign.

As you walk around the town you are likely to see anything and everything. Here someone has used old license plates, wired together to provide a sun shade for their patio, at least it appears that way.

Shops and shops and more shops. They used to mine copper and other minerals in this area. Now they mine plastic and get the money you leave when you swipe your card. I would think Apple pay has reached Jerome though we do not have that and didn’t try that capability.

There were several of these smaller billboard types of signs providing directions to various businesses.

There were also these types of signs giving directions. Jerome is not really a big place but it is handy to have a lot of directional information.

One of the eateries in town is the “Haunted Hamburger”. This t-shirt was hanging in the window advertising their burgers and shakes. The place had a great view across the valley.

Their building is supposedly a haunted dwelling and you can read more about that at Their Web Site

One of the shops that we walked by was a pottery shop - "Made in Jerome Pottery". This was their sign hanging over the front door. Neat sign the type of which you don't often see identifying shops today.

Just to the right of the Pottery Shop, in a small yard they had this kiln for firing their pottery. It looked well used and well kept. It seems to us to be a very large kiln.

This is a view from one of the streets looking to the north and west from Jerome, which sits on Cleopatra hill. You have tremendous views to the red rock formations and out across the Verde Valley.

So this concludes our look around Jerome. This was neither an exhaustive visit nor a detailed write-up of what you can see and do there. They have lots of tours, old mining sites, museums, and a myriad of other places to visit. It is a fascinating place but we are heading out of town.

Oh, this is not our vehicle it was just parked along a side street. We thought it an interesting image.

We are now not in Jerome, and we will take a brief look at an eatery we visited.

To the north and west of Camp Verde about 17 miles is a small community named Cornville, in that town is a great place to eat called “Grasshopper Grill and Spirits”.

Painted on the outside walls are some wonderful artwork. These were very well done, lots of detail and quite realistic.

One thing that caught our attention, besides the great food, was the marketing aspect. Here is the menu advertising a hot dog. “Mustard's Last Stand” is quite a good play on words and it presents a hot dog that is on the menu.

Looking further at the menu we find they also have “Grasshopper Legs”. In keeping with their name they had these appetizers available.

In reality they are green beans lightly battered and fried. Of course we had to try them with a name like "Grasshopper Legs". They are wonderful even with the interesting marketing name and the wasabi dipping sauce was a great accompaniment.

We often post about birds we have seen but we have not been in great birding country or at least we have not seen lots and lots of birds as of yet. Here is a most cooperative Rock Wren that posed for pictures.

Outside the RV one evening there was this sunset with what looks like the sky on fire. Deanna quickly took a couple of pictures as the sun doesn’t wait too long when going down. You can often see some wonderful sunsets and sunrises here in Arizona.

We like different signs and saw this one at one of the places along the way. The recommended action seems appropriate in many cases.

We hope you enjoyed this brief look at Jerome and the other sights. We certainly enjoyed visiting them and hope you have some interest in seeing these locations as well when next you are in the area.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

All the best – George & Deanna

1 comment:

  1. What a treat! Fascinating look at Jerome and a fascinating eatery. Thank you!!
