Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Windy Day at Whitewater and a Road Sign

We went to Whitewater Draw for a look around. It is a great birding place. The wind was blowing, blowing hard maybe 20 mph with gusts to 35. You never really know what you might find so what the heck, it is not that far, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

This is a Green Tailed Towhee. It was down on the ground in a somewhat sheltered location. They are typically found on the ground but are normally very secretive. We don't very often see them out in the open like this. Great bird.

This is a Rufous-winged Sparrow. It was also down and out of the wind.

The above three images are of a Northern Harrier. The Northern Harrier crossed the walking path a short ways in front of me and I started to take some pictures. So looking at these images I think it was good to be out in the strong wind.

We have seen this female Vermillion Flycatcher at Whiterwater Draw several times when we have been there. Must be a resident. The male was there as well but we didn't want to bore you with that bright red bird.

Out in the mud flats wandering around in the wind was this Greater Yellowlegs. Not many birds out in the windy area, most were found out of the wind.

Here is a really small part of the Sandhill Cranes that were hiding out from the wind. Someone said they heard there were 15,000 Crane there and I wouldn't dispute that number there were lots and lots of Sandhill Crane.

Here is a slow down sign. We see it along the road to Whitewater Draw. You need to slow down because of the rough road.

What is not apparent until you look at the second image is that the "Slow Down" sign is just before a newly constructed road section with a large bridge over a seasonal water course. The older road, for miles on either side of this new construction is flat and smooth. Only the approximate 1/3 mile of new construction needs the rough road sign. Seemed a little odd to us.

Hope that you enjoyed some of these images. Let us know if you have any questions.

Keep in mind if it is windy that may be a good reason to get out and look for some birds. What the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained. All the best.

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