Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Look Around Bisbee

Bisbee is a city in the Mule Mountains of southeast Arizona. The town has an extensive Copper Mining past but since the mine closure in 1975 the city has transformed into a free-spirited place with a thriving arts/music/hospitality scene, amid a remarkably well-preserved historical architectural setting.

This link will give you a wonderful pictorial overview of Bisbee - Click Here

In this post we will just show you a few of the things you can see in Bisbee. The photos in the above link above will give you a detailed view of the city. It is a neat place.

This is the Welcome to Bisbee sign. It is on the south side of Bisbee and sits adjacent to a parking area for the old mine pit.

Here is the mine pit mentioned above. In Arizona they have done a lot of Copper mining. In Ajo they had a similar deep pit from which Copper and other minerals had been extracted.

Walking along some of the back streets we found this entry gate. Very Ornate. You will notice it opens to some steps. Bisbee is in a narrow canyon and there are lots of steps and homes on hillsides and narrow streets.

Not far from the gate there were several of these pigs situated in the windows of a small home. Unusual decoration but then a lot of items around Bisbee are unusual and very well done.

This was a collection of soldier type figures along a wall. They each had a word associated with them as part of their sash.

Here are three of the figures mentioned above. You can see more detail and read the words.

We all have electric boxes at out homes. They are generally unsightly and often painted the same color as the house in the hope they would blend in. Here they hid it with Decals. Reading and trying to decipher the myriad of stickers makes you forget you were looking at a plain old electric box.

We walked past these folks on the street and having Westies of our own we had to take this picture. We have not gotten to the point where we need to take ours in a carriage.

Looking for a place to eat in Bisbee we found Thuy (pronounced Twoee). It is named after the owner and is a Vietnamese Soup place where everything is fresh. Here is the menu board. The place is really small, we counted 14 chairs and the seating was rather cramped. They prepared a lot of take out.

This is a look into the kitchen. Thuy is cooking and you can see the many takeout bags. The place is simply an open room with the tables in front and the kitchen in back.

Here is Deanna with the wonderful Carmelized catfish soup that she had ordered. She initially thought it would be too much to eat but she finished all the wonderful soup.

We will not be in town for the chocolate tasting, Darn. It sounded like it could be really interesting, locally made chocolate, what is there not to like other than the inconvenient date.

On a side street there was this mural. Part of the art scene in Bisbee. Nicely done.

The words on the window read "Lunatic Fringe Luthery" and that caught our eye.
You may want to jump to the facebook page and find a little more about this place. Very interesting. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lunatic-Fringe-Luthiery/1833063607016820

This is part of a flyer for a music event that is occurring in Bisbee. As you read it you get the impression that this is not your normal musical event. It would be fun to be there.

We could only cover a small part of the Bisbee scene. We hope you looked at the images noted at the start of the blog to see Bisbee. Also here is an interesting web site that talks about some of the many shops and businesses that an be found in Bisbee. As you will see it is a very arts and crafts oriented place.


Here is another link to a collection of fascinating images of Bisbee. Come visit.
Click Here

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