Friday, January 4, 2019

We Are Snowbirds

Before we started our excursion, traveling full time, we had a pleasant discussion with our good friend Rodger. Realizing what we were about to do he said "So you are going to be snowbirds" which in traveling parlance means go south to warmer weather in the winter and north to wonderful summer weather. His comment has a fabulous connotation and we anxiously looked forward to the travels and the great weather. It is winter and we are currently south as in southern Arizona about 45 miles north of the border with Mexico. "You are going to be snowbirds" he said and never has his words rung more true.

It is Wednesday January 2nd, when we woke this morning we found it had snowed about 3 1/2 inches last night while we slept. Now we know that for some of you living in colder northern climates 3-4 inches of snow is no big deal but we are in Arizona, we are snow birds after all. What the heck are we doing here.

Some of you have asked "What kind of trailer are you traveling in" and so here is a picture of our truck and trailer again parked in our current location in southern Arizona.

Here is more of a side view. Our home is a 2017 Montana fifth wheel trailer about 35 feet long. It has most of the amenities of a real home only it is on axles and wheels and we can move to warmer climates when we want. What the heck are we doing here!

Some of the people in the RV parks here leave their awnings up. Most of them are tied down so they do not get damaged in the wind hence it is difficult just to take them in when it is going to snow. This fellow is using a plastic garden rake to pull the snow off his awning before it collapses from the weight.

Here is our cooler that is sitting just outside the trailer. It has bottled water in it but certainly beer would work just as well. The snow on top lasted all day so you don't have to buy any ice and with it being 24 degrees in the morning the water or beer or other beverages would be frozen anyway. What the heck are we doing here?

Yogie, one of our two traveling companions, decided that the best course of action is to take his friend the hedgehog to bed on the couch and just sleep until the snow melts and the weather warms up. That appears to be the best course of action.

So that is a brief look at our Arizona winter wonderland. Let us know if you have any questions or comments and by all means let us know if you can sugget a warmer place to spend our next winter.

The Arizona Snowbirds - George & Deanna

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