Sunday, January 13, 2019

Just for Fun Blog

Yes there are birds in Southern Arizona. This great looking bird is a Phyrrhuloxia often called a Desert Cardinal. They do not get completely red as does the Northern Cardinal, which can also be found here, rather they retain much of their gray coloration. This was seen in the RV park where we are staying.

If you have been around or owned a dog very much this sign will bring a smile to your face. It has been around in many shapes and forms. This particular decal was on the back seat window of a truck parked here in the RV park. We do not yet know the real name of the dog that owns this decal.

We started today with a breakfast at Sunny's Delight, a breakfast and lunch place in Huachuca City. The food was OK and on the table was one of those little booklets that had some cartoons inside. This was one of them. Pretty funny but really sadly true in today's day and age.

This is an Acorn Woodpecker I often call them a Clown Bird because of their bright coloration and striking markings. There are places around here in the oak trees where you can find them in abundance.

We took a ride over to Las Cienegas to the west of here. It is a beautiful wild grassland area that often has some sparrows and other birds. This is a Savannah Sparrow we found. In looking around over the past few weeks we have not seen the large concentrations of sparrows that we have seen in this area in the past. We don't know if the weather conditions are keeping the birds north or if there is some other explanation for their absence. Further research is needed.

Also in Las Cienegas we found this cooperative Greater Roadrunner. He was just standing the dirt road and so we stopped to watch him. He did not seem the least bit disturbed by our presence and finally wandered past our truck disappearing into the brush behind us.

After driving through Las Cienegas we made the short drive over to Patagonia to see if we could find some nourishment. There is a bakery there that we had not visited before called "The Ovens of Patagonia". It seemed a great place for an ice cream or other afternoon treat.

One cannot survive on Chopped Kale, Melba toast, and Water alone, some real nourishment is required to keep the body functioning. This, contrary to what some of you may believe, other than our good friend Tom, is one of the major food groups, a chocolate chip cookie. It was really good and helped nourished the body and the soul.

This decal was on the side of a truck when we were parked by the cookie place. It seems appropriate for an ending image for this blog post.

We hope you have enjoyed this post and be sure and let us know if you have any questions or comments.

All the best
George & Deanna

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