Friday, July 14, 2023

Lewis & Clark Patit Creek Campsite

The Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery passed through this area of Washingon going both West to the Pacific in 1805 and returning east in 1806. This map gives you a general view of their travels through this area,
On May 2, 1806, the Corps of Discovery passed through what is now downtown Dayton. Having traveled 19 miles on that particular day, the group encamped near Patit Creek. This marker indicates the possible site of their encampment. This marker and associated silhouettes is located along Patit Creek Road about 2 miles east of Dayton.

Here is the verbiage from that marker:
"The Corps of Discovery camped near this spot with fair weather and a southwest wind on their return to St. Louis. They recorded seeing deer, sandhill cranes, beaver, and otter. There was camas in bloom along the Patit Creek when Lewis & Clark both compared this land to the rich fertile bottomlands along the Missouri and Ohio Rivers. To the north of this camp was the trail on which they proceeded on the morning of May 3rd. Today it is the Ronan Road that retraces part of the old trail."
As part of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial, a group of Dayton residents created a full-scale restoration of the campsite with life-size metal silhouette sculptures. Using the journals as reference, all members—human and animal—of the expedition are represented. The camp is located just two miles east of Dayton on Patit Road.
There is a legend that identifies the silhouettes. It is a liitle difficult to read from the image but indicates what is happening in the collection of silhouettes.

The above two images present close ups of the encampment. There is a lot of detail and action depicted in the various silhouettes scattered about in the field

For further information you can check the Dayton Chamber of Commerce Web site by clicking here as well as search on the internet for additional information if you are interested.

We hope you enjoyed this brief look at the Lewis and Clark Patit Creek Campsite out of Dayton, WA. It is a fun little stop and provides a brief glimpse into some local history.

Let us know if you have any questions.
All the best - Be Well - George & Deanna

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite books is Undaunted Courage about the L&C expedition. What an amazing journey and to think they were in our own “backyard”.
