Sunday, November 17, 2019

True Value Hardware Store - Florence, AZ

When we got to Florence we made inquiries regarding things to see and do in the local area. We were told emphatically that we must go to the True Value Hardware store on Main Street in Florence.

Over the years we have been to a lot of Hardware Stores and could not figure out what the obsession was with this location. The manager at the RV Park said go there, a waitress at a restaurant during lunch said “Don’t miss the hardware store”, several people we chatted with whom are staying in the RV Park insisted we go there. So we went and the following is what we saw.

This is the Main Street front of the hardware store. It is, at this point in time, three separate adjacent buildings that have been acquired over time and converted into one large building. It started in 1991 and has grown over the years. One write up describes the place as a hardware store with a huge personality.

Yes they do have hardware and the typical stuff you would find in a True Value. But they also have lots, and lots, and lots of other stuff. Basically if you can’t find it here, you don’t need it. You can clearly see the row upon row of boxes containing nuts, bolts, and fasteners of all shapes and sizes.

As we shall see there are all sorts of decorative items and useful and useless items of a myriad of shapes and sizes.

Here is a selection of metal items that you can hang on your wall or use as you wish. There were several displays such as this one scattered about the store.

Yes they have the normal hardware items, lots and lots of them.

Do you need a pen? The bird stands on its foot perched on your desk ready for you to write whatever you wish. As you can see they are available in multiple different colors.

More stuff, the aisles are packed, barely enough space to get around though it does seem orderly and well cared for, not just a shambles of junk.

Did you need a hat? In an adjacent room there is this collection of hats hanging on the wall. Which color would you like?

Did we mention hats? They had a wide variety of styles, shapes, and colors. Something for everyone’s head.

We are looking past an old bicycle into the lawn and garden area. They seemingly have everything and anything for your landscaping needs.

Do you need an umbrella? The white swan in front even has its own stand so you can set it by the door and easily grab it on your way out. Pink flamingo umbrella anyone?

Here are more lawn and garden items. It is really an honest to goodness True Value Hardware store that has a whole lot of other items many of which we are sure you will be interested in.

How about a toad complete with warts? They are available in various sizes and as you peruse the items in the store you will see they are also available in different colors.

Yes more hardware stuff. They have paint and plumbing supplies and anything you would expect at a True Value and a whole lot of items you would not expect.

Here is an interesting item, it is a "Red Neck Party Cup". We did not make this up, it is for sale on the end of the third aisle that branches to the left off the main aisle in the store. We actually thought it was pretty cleverly done.

The only firearms we saw in the store were these 10 shot rubber ban guns. They may have had firearms in an area that we just missed.

Hanging below these wooden pistols are also some wooden rifles, something for everyone.

In a small room down the main aisle is this character sitting in what used to be the original restroom. The public restroom is now in a small park across the street.

When you walk up to see the character he is activated by a motion sensor and goes into movements and a dialog that describes how great and wondrous this store is in all its glory.

That concludes our brief tour around the True Value Hardware Store in Florence Arizona. The images and words don’t adequately describe the place. It is fascinating beyond words and the images can’t seem to capture the enormity and diversity of the place.

As everyone has said “Be sure and go to the True Value Hardware Store”. And so on your next excursion through Florence or this general area be sure and go to the store, it is worth every minute of your time.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

All the best – George & Deanna

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The True Value Hardware stores that I have been in were no where near as filled with exciting things as this is.
    Thank you for sharing.
