Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Looking Back - Looking Forward - Cranberry RV Park

So we are now quite a ways north having left Cranberry RV Park and the Long Beach Peninsula. Cranberry RV Park has been a wonderful stop on our meandering journey. There are great people that live and vacation in and amongst the Cranberry Bogs in Cranberry RV Park. Yes there are lots of Cranberry Bogs there. We will be back next year for sure and we need to figure out how long we want to stay. But at the moment we wanted to share a few miscellaneous images that we have gathered and clear up some misconceptions that some might have drawn from previous posts and erroneous conclusions regarding our eating habits.

We are heading north from here along with the shorebirds. We are not going as far north as they are, only to the northern reaches of Washington State and we are several weeks behind them. Perhaps next year we shall see them again.

On Sunday before Memorial Day, Terry, who runs Cranberry RV Park, hosted a barbecue with folks bringing side dishes and their entrée that was to be barbecued. It was a wonderful festive gathering with great people and wonderful food. Terry made the Cranberry Ice Cream that you see in this picture. It was rich tasting, creamy with a complex flavor, and as you can see a wonderful color. An excellent desert. But no she is not going into commercial production no matter how great it is or how much you beg.

The long beach peninsula has two main roads that run north and south paralleling the ocean. Sandbridge Road courses the Willapa Bay or east side of the Peninsula. Quite a ways north, almost to Oysterville we saw this sign. We thought it was cute.

Before someone gets too upset with this sign let us put it in context. The establishment raises and sells goats and the products derived there from. They also sell other items as indicated on these signs. Still the idea of being able to sell the kids is funny.

While eating lunch one day we ordered a cup of coffee. They served the coffee in this cup. It says “Have a Day”. This seems to be a humorous play on the “Have a Nice Day” smiley face that sometimes gets a little worn. The menu that is presented at the restaurant calls their coffee "Thundermuck". Maybe this face is what results after a cup or two.

We have been accused by some of not eating very healthy; lots of French fries, ice cream, decadent crèmes, wonderful desserts and so on. Here is an example to prove that we often eat very healthy. This is a wonderful spinach salad with lots of almonds, avocado, grilled chicken, and spinach. No we did not ask someone at the restaurant if we could take a picture of their meal; we ordered and ate it.

Another taste treat that you can find in various places over on the coast is extremely tasty and seems to be very healthy is calamari salad. There are ingredients in here that your momma hasn’t told you about. Certainly you need to like seafood to enjoy this.

Terry, the wonderful lady whom runs Cranberry RV Park does not want you to put fish pieces and parts or oyster shells in the garbage as they can really smell quite bad. This sign emphasizes the request to take fish parts back to the ocean. There is a lot of fishing around here and many people stay in the RV Park to go fishing, mainly later in the summer. However this sign was seen on the door inside the men’s bathroom. When you start to close the door to sit down and use the toilet you see this sign, quite obviously in your sight. OK Terry we get the message, "No Fish Guts” in the garbage cans.

Here is a parting image of the barbecued oysters that we thoroughly enjoyed while at the coast. It appears it might be a while before we will barbecue oysters again, certainly next year when we return. We enjoyed the wonderful seafood that is available on the Long Beach Peninsula. The oysters from Oysterville were just the right size and extremely tasty.

As mentioned earlier there was a pot luck get together the Sunday before Memorial Day. Rick, one of the longer term residents at Cranberry RV Park, is an artist. Here is a picture of him and his art work to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend. "Freedom is not Free". Very nicely done art work. Rick has become a good friend and we hope he doesn’t get kicked out before we get back next April. Ha Ha Ha.

At the Memorial Day Pot luck we chatted with a lady who drives a school bus around the peninsula. She said there are getting to be more and more black bear on the peninsula. She sees them all the time. This one we saw up by Oysterville and it was not wanting to stick around for it’s picture.

We had mentioned Terry, the lady whom runs the RV park. Here is a picture of her helping one of the new arrivals get set up in their site. We think the lady with her head peeking around the corner is one of the new arrivals. Terry is a wonderful person and has the ideal personality and demeanor to run the RV park with all the demands, pressures, troubles, and tribulations. She is also a fabulous cook and ice cream maker. We look forward to visiting with her again next year.

We have eaten a lot of seafood, consumed many oysters, and enjoyed lots and lots of chowder. We have met many good folks and we will return next spring to see if that elusive bowl of fabulous chowder can be found and find out if Rick is still in residence, we know Terry will be there.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. All the best – George & Deanna

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