Sunday, May 5, 2019

Roadhouse Restaurant - Clam Chowder

We have decided to go on a quest to find some great Clam Chowder here on the Long Beach Peninsula in Washington State. A lot of places advertise clam chowder as clams are readily available here in Willapa Bay and other locations. Some of the chowder is probably good, some probably not so, we shall find out.

Clam chowder has several variations across the country. We are interested in New England style and the basic definition of that is a creamy chowder soup using milk, cream or half and half that has clams incorporated into a broth. It usually includes diced potatoes, onions, celery, bits of bacon, and garnished with either parsley, bay leaf, or other spices. It should be a flavorful concoction and crafted in varying degrees of thickness depending on the chef’s style and the ingredients.

There are several different types of clam chowder and we are restricting our quest to New England or white, creamy style of chowder as opposed to the Manhattan style that utilizes a tomato base.

In tasting the chowder it should almost melt in your mouth, not be overpowered by any one attribute, and provide an experience that says “I want more of this”. At least that is our criteria.

The first clam chowder we tried was at the Roadhouse Restaurant and Sports Bar located near here in Chinook Washington. Their chowder just won the Long Beach Razor Clam Festival April 20th 2019. It was the First Place Winner of Clam Chowder Taste Off by popular vote. We must start some place so let’s start here.

Here is the outside of The Roadhouse, not a terribly imposing structure but we are here for the chowder not the architecture. They have a web site with location and further information if you are interested. Here is the web site -

As you enter the front door the first item that catches your eye is this sign. The sign portends a different somewhat eclectic establishment. It is a fascinating place with lots to look at and experience.

When you seat yourself at a table the waitress promptly greets you and provides a dish of in the shell peanuts and an empty dish for the shell. This is called a sports bar after all.

OK now we are down to business. Here is the clam chowder that the waitress served us and assured it is the same recipe that won the contest. It was not one of the overly thick pasty varieties that we will find later but rather a wonderful concoction well balanced and appropriately spiced. The clams were tender, not over cooked, as were the potatoes, and the chowder was properly presented with some packets of oyster crackers. They serve oyster crackers because no one makes clam crackers, LOL.

So we were having lunch and decided to order some crab cakes along with the chowder. They were wonderful and we split the order.

I had mentioned earlier that this was a unique establishment. In looking around we spotted these two stools that are used for sitting at one of the higher tables scattered about. The owner evidently had them made to order and another local establishment with the same owner has a matching pair. These sure are odd stools for sitting.

There is a significant number of working old time pin ball machines in a room adjacent to the restaurant. You can play them for a fee and for us older folks relive a part of the past.

Here is a closer look at one of the pin balls machines. Some of them had signs that said “Not Working” but the majority of them appeared to be full functional, lights and flippers and all.

We see these old looking small cars at various places as we travel around. This appears to be a van perhaps a replica of an old Volkswagen van. This one is actually an ice chest designed to hold your cold beer, we assume.

We hope you enjoyed a brief look at the Roadhouse and Sports bar. Be sure and visit their web site for further details regarding their establishment. -

And yes the clam chowder was excellent. We will be continuing our search for great chowder and report back on our findings. It is a tough life when you must travel full time.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments – All the best – George & Deanna

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