Sunday, March 17, 2019

Signs and Such

This was just a fun sign on the front of a vehicle. We don't have any big dogs, ours are small, so we will just stay on the porch and rest.

We have never understood why people shoot at signs. Is there a bag limit? Do you need a special license? I never see any of the signs tagged so I guess you don't need tags. They must not taste very good because they are left after they are shot. This even looks as it it was hit with a shotgun. I wonder how much target practice you need to be able to hit a sign with a shotgun from close range, probably not much.

This was in the pro shop at the golf course here in Silver City. Having played some amount of golf I cannot ever imagine spitting sunflower seeds on the putting greens. I guess somebody does hence the sign is needed. It was not clear to us whether the pro shop does not want sunflower plants growing on the greens or if the golfers following the seed spitters cannot putt very accurately because of the debris. It was also not clear if the "seeds" referred to in the sign really meant the shells that the sunflower were encased in before someone threw a handful in their mouth and proceeded to spit the shells out after eating the sunflower seeds. Much further research is needed.

This was on the back of an ATV at Hidden Valley Ranch RV Park, a place where we stayed for 3 weeks. Sniveling is defined as - the action of crying and sniffing in a feeble or fretful way. So no sniveling not now, not never!.

This sign "CAUTION I break for pretty rocks" was on an ATV next to the one above at Hidden Valley. The area around there is really big rock hounding country. Many of the people who stay at Hidden Valley do so because they can head out and look for really great rocks and semi-precious stones right from the park on wide open BLM land.

We saw this sign out in what would be loosely called a dump site. There was no household garbage there but a lot of stuff and we could not understand how any one would ever know if something was withdrawn or deposited. It was more than far enough off the beaten track that video monitoring was not a viable option.

Over the years we have seen variations of this theme. I jokingly asked one of the waitresses at the restaurant where we saw this sign if she had been trained to be crazy and she stated "No I was that way before i started here". Good comment.

This sign was in a restaurant where we had lunch. It was back in the kitchen area on the way to the restroom. The directions read:

1 - Place on a hard surface
2 - Bang head against "Bang Head Here"
3 - Repeat until you are unconscious or in so much pain that you forget about your stress.

Not being under any stress at the time we did not try the cure.

This is a sign that the sun is out and the sky is clear blue. The day before this image was taken it was about 32 degrees all day, 40 mph winds, and blowing snow. Great to see the sun, and we think the Spotted Towhee thinks so as well.

We have seen this sign on many back roads in New Mexico. At one point, some time back we checked, out of curiosity, why they would not plow. We found out that they did not only not only plow on nights and weekends but they never plowed. They did not have any equipment for snow removal, seems they did not get enough snow to justify the expense of the snow plow. Guess signs are cheaper and less maintenance unless they get shot.

This sign was in the large parking lot at the visitor center at Gila Cliff Dwellings. Somehow it struck me as a sign that could easily be found in any Safeway or other large parking lot. Maybe they need it here.

Just be kind. Don't really need to explain this one. Good sign.

We hope you enjoyed a look at some of the signs we have seen around. Ain't life fun?

Let us know if you have any questions or comments - All the best - George & Deanna