Thursday, November 8, 2018

Muddy Bees Bakery

You can find Muddy Bees Bakery at 525 W State Street in Hurricane, Utah providing lunch, baked breads and sweets with healthy options available to those who desire them.  They are also licensed bee-keepers with local, flower-fed, non-medicated honey available for sale. 

Backyard bee-keeping courses are taught once a year in February. 
This is the main counter at Muddy Bees. We will not get a lot into the bakery portion other than to say their baked goods are fabulous. You can order a sandwich for lunch by choosing the type of bread, cheese, condiments, and meat or filling. It can be cold or put in a panini press, we opted for the press. The sandwiches and soup were wonderful and quite inexpensive.

This is a t-shirt that is available for sale in the bakery.

As you look around you will find there are lots of fascinating treasures.

There is a diverse array of hand made items scattered around the eatery that are for sale. This happens to be a beautiful copper wire tree that was positioned on the counter.
We had wonderful sandwhiches for lunch. You should not eat only ice cream for desert, though come to think of it why not, so for variety we ordered this piece of carrot cake. It was better than great. Moist and sweet and an excellent flavor.

Muddy Bees is a great place.

1 comment:

  1. I could spend a lot of time in there... I bet the smells are amazing
