Sunday, October 27, 2019

Fields Station Oregon

We are heading towards Arizona for the winter. We often try to take back roads and in this excursion we ended up stopping at Fields Station for breakfast as we were passing through, it is along some back roads.

As you can see from the map, Fields Station is not located near much of anywhere, you have to go a ways to get there, the roads are in great shape, and the journey is worth the effort. On Thursday we left Walla Walla, traveled south through John Day, down to Burns Oregon and stopping overnight at the Narrows just south of Burns. On Friday we headed further south stopping at Fields Station for a bite to eat.

Fields Station is noted for great Milkshakes and Hamburgers. In the spring it can be a wonderful spot for vagrant and rare birds as the birds migrate north. They do sell gasoline and diesel, have a small store with limited supplies, and great food at the cafe.

This is the small kitchen. The lady is getting the grill warmed up. She is one of the owners and does the cooking. This kitchen is located in the open area that also contains the small seating space for the restaurant.

How many burgers have they sold this year you might ask. Here is a sign that they keep on the wall and update the count as they sell burgers. As of the date we were there they had sold 5,036 burgers. They are all half pound burgers and they have a variety of options. The basic burger costs $10.50 and is served with your choice of chips or french fries.

Fields Station is a long ways from supplies. The lady mentioned they go to Burns, Oregon once a week for supplies. It is a distance of ether 112 miles or 129 miles depending on which route you take. Once every three weeks they travel to Bend for supplies which is 242 miles by the shortest route. The only items delivered are the gasoline, diesel, and propane. All other items they purchase themselves.

We had both ordered coffee and was told coffee is self-serve and here is the coffee pot and mugs. The coffee was great. The restaurant area itself is really small with a counter and a few chairs and a couple of small tables so serving yourself is no problem.

We were a little early in the day and so opted to pass on the hamburgers. We had one on an earlier trip through and it was wonderful. Here is the cheese omelet that George ordered. It was served on a large; we mean large, bed of hash browns. It came with toast as well but we opted to pass on the toast.

Deanna enjoys a great hash mixture and on the menu there was “Walt’s Hash” so she ordered that item. It was as well served on a bed of hash browns, lots and lots of hash browns.

Since Fields is noted for hamburgers and milkshakes we have to mention the shakes and since the first of the year they have sold 7,001 milkshakes.

What kind of shakes can you order? Here is the order board and they are all priced at $6.75. Again on the earlier excursion we had one, it was rich, spoon eating thick, wonderful flavor and worth every penny, but we passed this time.

So that is Fields Station, a little out of the way but well worth the excursion.

In our opinion we would recommend having the hamburger and shake as opposed to the breakfast fare. The omelets and hash were fine, nothing wrong with them but the burgers and shakes were, in our past experience, fabulous.

If you are ever near Fields Station be sure and stop in for a bite to eat, it is only about 21 miles north of Denio, Nevada so not far out of the way at all.

Actually the reference to Denio is tongue in cheek, this place is certainly close to Denio but still a long way from anywhere.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments. Safe travels and have fun. – George & Deanna