Sunday, June 7, 2015

Heading to the North Country

On our way up to Ione, WA near the Canadian Border we stopped by Sprague Lake along I-90 for a rest stop. There is a nice little walking path for the dogs and the lake lays off to the west. They have a volunteer staffed coffee and dognut shop in the rest area. Very well done.
For all you ornithologist types please note that the government placed this sign at the rest stop and it clearly demonstrates that there are seagulls. The government always tells the truth. A further sign in the rest area states that the seagulls can get aggressive if fed.
And here is one of those overly agressive seagulls just waiting for a hand out, doesn't he look undernourished.
After leaving the rest stop we missed a turn heading north and ended up on a back gravel road. All was not terrible as we found a pond with several redhead ducks and various other bird species along the way. We would have missed them had we made the correct turn. Here just as we are getting back onto our roadway north was a cooperative Say's Phoebe sitting on a barb wire fence.
Heading north along highway 231 we stopped in Reardan at the Hwy Cafe for lunch. As we were leaving Reardan we noticed the Reardan Audubon Wildlife Lake so we stopped to take a look. Unfortunately the lake was some distance from the parking area and path so we did not get any bird images but we did see Bald Egle, Eared Greeb, various duck species and some shorebirds. A great place to visit if you are in the area.
This a view along the pathway leading to a bird viewing blind. The lake is off to the left. There is a lot of thik vegetation along the path. Lots of swallows flitting about and red-wing blackbirds
Here is the birding blind at the end of the path. It is a really nicely built blind that affords great views of a portion of the lake. The bald eagle was sitting on an island a ways out in front ot the blind.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Moose Creek Reservoir
May 18th - May 21st - 2015

Moose Creek Reservoir is located close to Bovill, Idaho about 50 miles east of Moscow Idaho just off Highway 8. It has a Latah County Campground that has 24 sites. There are clean pit toilets and water available from a hand pump. The reservoir is long and narrow and is stocked with Rainbow trout. It also has some large bass reportedly up to 8-9 pounds.

This was taken not far from the entry sign. The reservoir is wide down at this end and it is not very deep. Certainly not a huge body of water. They allow electric motors on the boats but no gas engines. Some people had canoes. Since we were there before Memorial Day Weekend it was not crowded. The campers were starting to come in by Thursday when we left.

Some of the campsites were situated around the lake. Some of them had fishing docks and some of the docks were not associated with campsites.

This is a view from the lake looking back at the campground. Each campsite has it's own garbage can, table, fire ring and pole on which to hang your lantern. Some of the campsites are up in the trees and others, such as the one we had are down closer to the lake,

This is the view out from the campsite. In the earlier picture of the reservoir the lake appeared much wider. Back here the reservoir narrows down and there are some cattails along parts of the shore. The picture was taken Monday evening and as you can see there was no wind.

Here in the early morning the mist rises from the water creating a pleasant almost mystical image. This image also was right in front of the campsite.

As mentioned, each site has a garbage can, they are mostly plastic garbage cans. I spoke with Ron the campground host and mentioned that there must not be much bear problem since none of the garbage cans nor dumpster were bear proof. He laughed a bit and said there were problems with bears and pointed to this garbage can at one of the campsites. Thursday as we were leaving a bear hunter came by with his six hounds to run the bear off.

In the cattails next to the lake were a lot of song sparrows. I would look at each one with the binoculars hoping for something different than a song sparrow but never did see anything

This appears to be a juvenile song sparrow but I have no idea what happened to the tail. It should have a long tail.

Just in front of the campsite was a dirt road leading west. There was a locked gate blocking the road about 100 yards west and there was virtually no traffic on the road. We walked the road and it meandered along the lake. Eventually it turned into a pleasant little stream flowing through some beautiful deep grass meadows.

About a mile out along the road were some corrals to hold cattle. There were no cows there but I would guess they will  be arriving soon. It is a beautiful lush green meadow. All along the road were a lot of birds, warblers, vireos, chickadees, and woodpeckers just to name a few species. Neat place.

Flitting amongst the cattails were these neat little dragonflies. There were lots of them in the afternoon.

This is a juvenile violet-green swallow. The coloration and marking typical of the adult bird have not fully developed.

Across the lake from the campsite was this pair of eagles and their nest seen in the tree below. It was really great to see these magnificent birds.

Moose Creek Reservoir is a wonderful place to camp. Not sure we would want to be there on a major weekend but off week is great. The nearest services are in Deary about 11 mile away to the west.

If you have a golden eagle (old goats) pass the camping fee is only $5.00 a night. $10.00 without the pass. Well worth the expense.

We will go there again